Ask ASMC Weekly Mailbag: Week of October 28th
Posted by Michael on 28th Oct 2019
We've reached Daylight Savings Time week. Everyone make sure to change your clocks back (for those affected).
Alice asks: If I buy two different quantities of an item, how do I know how it will ship? The reason I am asking is because I am paying for expedited shipping and I wanted to see if I could consolidate everything into one box to save on freight.
Thanks for your question Alice. Whenever possible, we do our best to consolidate shipments as best we can. The expedited shipping rates we show on the website are done with that in mind. If you know that your UPS rates are lower than what we show, we do offer the option to ship on your UPS account. Just selected the "will call" option at checkout and put your UPS account number in the notes section. We will then make sure that the freight is billed to you.
Guillermo asks: Do you ship to Mexico and Canada?
Hi Guillermo. Yes we ship to both.
Kim asks: I just submitted an order and after receiving the order confirmation, I realized that I have the wrong shipping address on there. It's Saturday and I see you to not have anyone in the office today, is there somewhere I can send the correct address to ship to?
Yes you can Kim. Please forward over a copy of the order confirmation and also provide us the correct shipping address to: and we can make the appropriate correction. We will then reply back and let you know that the address correction has been made.